Awardee, IEEE Bangladesh Section Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 2023
Awardee, Merit Award 2023 awarded by Dept. of EEE, CUET for achieving Top 3 position in Level 2.
Champion, Climate Justice Idea Contest 2023 “Our Planet Our Responsibility” Season 2 by The Daily Star and ActionAid.
Finalist, TechSpark 2.0 organized by IEEE CUET WIE Affinity Group Student Branch,2023.
First Runner-up, Idea Contest, Chittagong Science Carnival 3.0, 2023.
Semi-Finalist, Face the Case 3.0 organized by IEEE CUET Student Branch, 2023.
Awardee, Merit Award 2022 awarded by Dept. of EEE, CUET for achieving Top 3 position.
Awarded with a Government Grant/ Scholarship for the result in Higher Secondary School Certificate Exam (12th Grade), 2019.
Regional Round Champion (Rank 14), Bangladesh Astronomy Olympiad 2018.
Awarded with a Government Grant/Fund Scholarship for the result in Secondary School Certificate Exam (10th Grade), 2017.
Regional Round Champion (Top 20), Chittagong, 7th Bangladesh Physics Olympiad 2017.
Winner(Category), Srijonshil ICON Talent Hunt, 2016.
Achieved Talent Pool Grade in the Talent Scholarship Examination 2012 conducted by the Bangladesh Teachers Association.
Awardee, Kobi Nazrul Gold Medal Scholarship, 2009.