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Image by Fabrizio Conti

Joyonta Das Joy

EEE Undergrad Student

Research Enthusiast

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Hello there!

I'm Joyonta, a final-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at CUET. The purpose of this website is to serve as my career portfolio. Here, I will showcase my resume, past works and projects, academic journey, and achievements, as well as outline my future goals. I believe this portfolio demonstrates that I am an excellent candidate for internships, full-time or part-time jobs, or further academic pursuits

  • Awardee, IEEE Bangladesh Section Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 2023

  • Research Paper published at the 10th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) 2023 titled "Towards Carbon-Neutral Healthcare Facilities: Design and Evaluation of a Renewable Energy Microgrid".

  • Research Paper published at EICT 2023,KUET  titled "Strategic Utilization of Dispatchable Loads and Nodal Reserves for Improved Reserve Deliverability

  • Awardee, Merit Award 2023 by Dept. of EEE, CUET.

  • Secured the 1st Runner-up position in the 'Idea Presentation' segment at the esteemed national event, Chittagong Science Carnival 3.0, organized by Chittagong University.

  • Achieved the Second position in the Explore Electronics Arduino Competition, 2023.

  • Guest speaker, Accelerating your university life , Unique schooling, 2023

  • Awardee, Merit Award 2022 by Dept. of EEE, CUET.

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Research Interests


  •  Light-Matter Interaction

  •  Bio-photonics, Metamaterials 

  • Deep Learning, Machine Learning.

  • Power Systems, Optimization Techniques.

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